Ladies And Gentlemen, The 'Nutelasagne' Has Arrived, And It Looks Incredible - Sabotage Times

Ladies And Gentlemen, The 'Nutelasagne' Has Arrived, And It Looks Incredible

Nutella lovers, prepared to get a tastebud boner...
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Nutella lovers, prepared to get a tastebud boner...


Already considered an invention up there with penicillin and the wheel, the Nutella Lasagne, or 'Nutelasagne' has just taken deserts to a level unimaginable to previous generations of humans.

The dish is a sweet, creamy, diabetes-inducing mixture of Nutella, cannoli custard, hazelnuts, chocolate and homemade marshmallows, held together by some kind of buttery pasta thing we don't understand.

If you've got this far and haven't got some kind of tastebud erection then check your pulse.

The Nutelesagna was served up by a New York bakery over the weekend and had the internet collectively salivating. If you want to thank the bakers responsible, this is their Twitter page. Apparently things have been going pretty mental for them over the last 48 hours...


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