Sabotage Times, We can't Concentrate so Why Should You?Sabotage Times, We can't Concentrate so Why Should You?

Prime Minister David “Dave to his mates” Cameron has not been having the best time of it of late and you’d think that his advisors would know better than to subject his Hamfacedness to such a torrent of Twabuse but nah, they do it anyway.

“Connecting to the voters” they probably call it. “Fucking hilarious” we call it. I can just imagine a Malcolm Tucker-type stalking the halls of Number 10 bellowing bile and pass-agg fave-ing every extremely bitter reply to Our Dave’s insincerity - stuff like these:

LOL, mate.

And a quick one from last night…

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Andy 9:54 am, 15-Oct-2014

Twitter Goes Crazy Over Liverpool’s Sterling Being “Too Tired” For England. Twitter bad. "Fuck Off, Pan Face": Today's Best Tweets To Dave Cameron. Twitter good. Which is it Sam? Want cake and eat it?

Sam Diss 10:53 am, 15-Oct-2014

Well only one of 'em has a racist undertone - so I'd probably say that one was worse, mate.

Olly 2:03 pm, 15-Oct-2014

Surely Twitter is good and bad in almost equal measure, Andy? It doesn't have to be one or the other 100% of the time.

Andy 2:06 pm, 15-Oct-2014

Free speech for one, racism for the other. oh, and I'm not your mate.

Adam 2:33 pm, 15-Oct-2014

"Sam Diss", who the hell are you? Is that your real name??

Andy 4:02 pm, 15-Oct-2014

@Olly. I agree but thinking it's funny and acceptable on one hand and then objecting to it on the other is somewhat hypocritical. I accept that some people think Cameron is a cunt, I accept that some people think footballers are lazy, I accept twitter for what it is - a bunch of people with too much time on their hands.

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